Hello, We're facing in our ESQL/C written application a situation where a commit'ed INSERT into a table is rolled back. I have here the ESQL/C logging of the problem: ... [1471] [12.05.2020 15:48:50:476]: ecpg_execute on line 1744: query: insert into swd_daten ( katkey , aktion , reserv , id , ansetzung , nettodaten ) values ( $1 , $2 , $3 , $4 , $5 , $6 ); with 6 parameter(s) on connection sisis [1471] [12.05.2020 15:48:50:476]: ecpg_process_output on line 1744: OK: INSERT 0 1 [1471] [12.05.2020 15:48:50:477]: ECPGtrans on line 6716: action "commit"; connection "sisis" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [1471] [12.05.2020 15:48:50:478]: ecpg_execute on line 1637: query: insert into swd_auftrag ( setnr , aufnum , katkey , userid , seqcount ) values ( $1 , $2 , $3 , $4 , $5 ); with 5 parameter(s) on connection sisis [1471] [12.05.2020 15:48:50:478]: ecpg_process_output on line 1637: OK: INSERT 0 1 [1471] [12.05.2020 15:48:50:478]: ECPGtrans on line 1124: action "commit"; connection "sisis" [1471] [12.05.2020 15:48:51:500]: ECPGtrans on line 6716: action "commit"; connection "sisis" [1471] [12.05.2020 15:48:51:501]: ECPGtrans on line 1222: action "rollback"; connection "sisis" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... The INSERT of 1 row into table swd_daten was OK and commit'ed (marked line) and a later rollback (last line) seems to roll it back, at least the row isn't in the table. Any ideas? The connection is not set to AUTOCOMMIT. matthias -- Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045 Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub