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Re: Encoding conversion: Use replacement character instead of failing query with "ERROR: character with byte sequence 0xd0 0xad in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding LATIN1" ?

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On 06.05.20 02:00, Tom Lane wrote:
> Christian Ramseyer <rc@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Can I somehow influence the client:UTF8->server:LATIN1 character set
>> conversion so that instead of failing, it inserts an invalid codepoint
>> character, the utf8 hex bytes as string, drops the character or
>> something like that?
> There's nothing built-in for that, but it seems like it wouldn't be
> hard to modify the code if you wanted a quick hack to do this.
> In general, the system nominally supports multiple conversion functions
> per encoding pair, so you could imagine having an alternate conversion
> that doesn't throw errors.  Problem is that it's quite difficult to get
> the system to actually *use* a non-default conversion for anything really
> significant, like say client I/O.  I don't know that anyone's thought
> hard about how to improve that.

Thanks Tom, that's basically like I suspected how it was, but I wanted
to make sure I'm not overlooking an easy workaround with a simple
"create conversion" or similar.

I really appreciate the quick answers from highly qualified people I'm
getting on here, without exceptions. If only "enterprise" product
support worked like that :)


Christian Ramseyer, netnea ag
Network Management. Security. OpenSource.

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