On 4/23/20 3:26 PM, Adrian Klaver
On 4/23/20 1:37 PM, Dummy Account wrote:Does this work for you in a terminal?
From the Finder, I think that is the same a File Explorer on Widows. From Finder, it's locked; I cannot access it. Could I use the command line and change ownership or access privledges? And then get access?
Why not from the command line use a text editor to view the file(s)?
sudo su - postgresFrom your first post, that ought to find the "log" mentioned in the output (and possible more than one if you have multiple installations). As Peter pointed out that's a directory. The logs will be in there.
<your login password>
cd /Library/PostgreSQL
find . -name log
cd <dir found from find command>Should show the most recent file last. That's likely the file of interest.
ls -ltr