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Re: performance of first exec of prepared statement

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On 4/16/20 6:15 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 4/16/20 4:59 PM, Ted Toth wrote:

On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 6:29 PM Ted Toth <txtoth@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:txtoth@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    I've noticed that the first exec of an INSERT prepared statement
    takes ~5 time longer (I'm using libpq in C and wrapping the calls to
    time them) then subsequent exec's is this the expected behavior and
    if so is there any thing I can do to mitigate this affect?


For example (in my environment) I'm seeing the prepare take ~10ms, the first exec take ~30 ms and subsequent exec's take ~4 ms.
I don't have an answer. I believe though that to help those that might 
it would be helpful to show the actual code.

You expect the subsequent calls to benefit from the cached query parse and planning.  What does you query cost without begin wrapped in a prepared statement (preferably from a cold start).

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