On Tue, 2020-03-31 at 11:29 +0300, Andrus wrote: > Databases contain lot of char(n) type fields containing ascii characters. > Most of fields contain less characters than field width. > Changing them to varchar is not easy. It is a simple ALTER TABLE. > Database is accessed from Debian Postgres 12.2 over internet using psqlodbc > with > TLS v1.3. > Mostly results seelct commands are sent and results are retrieved. > Clients have 10-20Mbit download speeds, and 5-20 Mbit upload speeds. > > Will data compression increase speed ? > If yes, how to implement this ? You'd have to use an OpenSSL library with compression support enabled. But that will improve speed only if your workload is network bound, not CPU bound (in which case performance will suffer). Yours, Laurenz Albe -- Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com