Per my previous post, you might try adding something like:
cmd.exe /c chcp 1257
to the top of the batch file. This idea came from here:
If I am following the error correctly then the issue is that the Postgres
console programs are using CP755 and that is not something for which there
is an automatic conversion:
There is a conversion for 1257 clients so having your console run as 1257
should solve the problem. Someone with more current experience on Windows
will need to comment on whether that is the viable or best solution.
Both servers have UTF-8 encoding.
Non-unicode code page 755 referes only to command line applications like
Postgres service, pg_dump and pg_restore do not use console codepages any
way, they operate using only UTF-8 character set since both databases are in
I think console code page warning message is not related to this issue.