On 3/22/20 2:48 PM, Matt Magoffin wrote:
On 23/03/2020, at 9:44 AM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Is there a chance the BEFORE trigger functions are doing something
that could be leading to the error?
In the error log is there a line with the actual values that failed?
The error log does not show the literal values, no. Here is a literal
example from the logs:
2020-03-20 19:51:11 NZDT [15165]: [6-1] ERROR: duplicate key value
violates unique constraint "_hyper_1_1931_chunk_da_datum_x_acc_idx"
2020-03-20 19:51:11 NZDT [15165]: [7-1] CONTEXT: SQL statement "INSERT
INTO solardatum.da_datum(ts, node_id, source_id, posted, jdata_i,
jdata_a, jdata_s, jdata_t)
VALUES (ts_crea, node, src, ts_post, jdata_json->'i',
jdata_json->'a', jdata_json->'s',
ON CONFLICT (node_id, ts, source_id) DO UPDATE
SET jdata_i = EXCLUDED.jdata_i,
jdata_a = EXCLUDED.jdata_a,
jdata_s = EXCLUDED.jdata_s,
jdata_t = EXCLUDED.jdata_t,
posted = EXCLUDED.posted
RETURNING (xmax = 0)"
PL/pgSQL function solardatum.store_datum(timestamp with time
zone,bigint,text,timestamp with time zone,text,boolean) line 10 at SQL
2020-03-20 19:51:11 NZDT [15165]: [8-1] STATEMENT: select * from
solardatum.store_datum($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) as result
So the query is in the function solardatum.store_datum()?
If so what is it doing?
And could you capture the values and pass them to a RAISE NOTICE?
As for the BEFORE triggers, the solardatum.trigger_agg_stale_datum one
does an INSERT into a different table and a SELECT from this same table.
The _timescaledb_internal.insert_blocker one is part of the TimescaleDB
extension which looks like it wouldn’t have an impact to this issue, but
the source of that is
— m@
Adrian Klaver