Hi Adrian,
On that table nothing was happening just created the table and later o was creating the index and i was getting this error.
Please can you tell me is this the draw back of that in 12.2 version.
On Fri, 6 Mar 2020, 12:04 am Adrian Klaver, <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 3/5/20 10:04 AM, nikhil raj wrote:
> While creating the index on the partition table i am getting error on
> it saying
> *ERROR: cannot specify default tablespace for partitioned relations SQL
> state: 0A00.*
> Query is
> *CREATE INDEX t_e20so1_doi_c_doid_idx
> ON public.t_e20so1_doi USING btree
> (i_doid ASC NULLS LAST)
> TABLESPACE pg_default;*
> *
> *
> *
> *
> Note:- but the same query is executed in the 12.1 version.its working fine.
Well this ERROR appeared here:
Thu, 25 Apr 2019 06:20:23 -0800 (10:20 -0400)
That would encompass 12.1 also.
Are you doing anything else to public.t_e20so1_doi prior to the above?
Adrian Klaver