Hi all. PostgresQL 12.1. Strange behaviour with pg_dump and absent public schema. I droped public schema and I work under "username" schema. => \dn List of schemas Name | Owner -------+------- olleg | olleg (1 row) Dump now pg_dump -U postgres -C olleg >dump.sql -- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Dumped from database version 12.1 -- Dumped by pg_dump version 12.1 SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); SET check_function_bodies = false; SET xmloption = content; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET row_security = off; -- -- Name: olleg; Type: DATABASE; Schema: -; Owner: olleg -- CREATE DATABASE olleg WITH TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'ru_RU.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE = 'ru_RU.UTF-8'; ALTER DATABASE olleg OWNER TO olleg; \connect olleg SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); SET check_function_bodies = false; SET xmloption = content; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET row_security = off; -- -- Name: olleg; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: olleg -- CREATE SCHEMA olleg; ALTER SCHEMA olleg OWNER TO olleg; -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete -- recreate DB from the dump: psql postgres postgres -f dump.sql And now I see public schema, which must be absent. psql olleg olleg => \dn List of schemas Name | Owner --------+---------- olleg | olleg public | postgres (2 rows)