On 2/23/20 1:06 AM, Andrus wrote:
What does the log_error_verbosity setting in postgresql.conf show?
It is not set. postgresql.conf contains it default value from installation:
#log_error_verbosity = default # terse, default, or verbose messages
I changed it to
log_error_verbosity = verbose
but problem persists.
postgres log file contains
2020-02-23 09:02:27.646 GMT [11252] ERROR: 23503: insert or update on
table "rid" violates foreign key constraint "rid_yhik_fkey"
2020-02-23 09:02:27.646 GMT [11252] DETAIL: Key (yhik)=(xx ) is not
present in table "mootyhik".
2020-02-23 09:02:27.646 GMT [11252] LOCATION: ri_ReportViolation,
2020-02-23 09:02:27.646 GMT [11252] STATEMENT: insert into rid
(dokumnr, yhik) values (2065, 'xx')
but application shows only
ERROR: insert or update on table "rid" violates foreign key constraint
I don't have an answer for you. There maybe someone else on this list
that could help, though I think your best bet would be to ask the
question again on the pgsql-odbc list.
Adrian Klaver