Makes sense yeah.
Thanks for both of your help.
Kontakt hubert depesz lubaczewski (<depesz@xxxxxxxxxx>) kirjutas kuupäeval K, 5. veebruar 2020 kell 14:50:
On Wed, Feb 05, 2020 at 02:42:42PM +0200, Raul Kaubi wrote:
> Thanks, it worked!
> By the way, what does this "**j"* mean there..? (this does not mean
> multiply there?)
it's normal multiplication.
Your "j" variable is integer.
So, '1 month'::interval * j is some number of months.
> And what if, I would like to declare v_to_date also, so that v_to_date is
> always + 1 month compared to v_date_from..?
v_to_date := v_from_date + '1 month'::interval; ?
Best regards,