Seems to be working fine now that I've upgraded to 12.1. I'll keep an eye out for 12.2. However, we are not using a before row update trigger. We are using an after insert trigger on the containers table though.
On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 2:34 PM Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Doug Roberts <h205881@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Hopefully the following stack trace is more helpful.
> Exception thrown at 0x0000000140446403 in postgres.exe: 0xC0000005: Access
> violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8. occurred
>> postgres.exe!pfree(void * pointer) Line 1033 C
> postgres.exe!tts_buffer_heap_clear(TupleTableSlot * slot) Line 653 C
> [Inline Frame] postgres.exe!ExecClearTuple(TupleTableSlot *) Line 428 C
> postgres.exe!ExecForceStoreHeapTuple(HeapTupleData * tuple,
> TupleTableSlot * slot, bool shouldFree) Line 1448 C
> postgres.exe!ExecBRUpdateTriggers(EState * estate, EPQState * epqstate,
> ResultRelInfo * relinfo, ItemPointerData * tupleid, HeapTupleData *
> fdw_trigtuple, TupleTableSlot * newslot) Line 3117 C
Ah, so you *are* using before-row update triggers. Almost certainly,
this is the same bug fixed by commit 60e97d63e, so you should be okay
if you update to 12.1. (There are some related issues that will be
fixed in 12.2, due out next week.)
regards, tom lane