On 1/22/20 2:18 AM, Tanja Savic wrote:
I’m running a pgAdmin from Windows 10 :
pgAdmin Version: 4.17
Python Version:**3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 21:26:53) [MSC
v.1916 32 bit (Intel)]
and I’m able to connect to the remote server. I can see schemas and
tables, but when I want to run a query I get this error:
could not send data to server: Socket is not connected
(0x00002749/10057) could not send SSL negotiation packet: Socket is not
connected (0x00002749/10057)
What are the connection settings?
What is the query that fails?
Can you connect to the remote using psql?
Running queries on local DB instance is ok, error happens only when I
connect to the remote server.
DB Version : PostgresSQL 10.10
I do not remember doing some changes that could cause this error. Is
there any solution for this problem, cause I didn’t googled out any?
Thank you for you time.
Adrian Klaver