Hi folks, with 12.1, after a couple of queries, at a random place, the clientlib does produce a failed query without giving reason or error-message [1]. Then when retrying, the clientlib switches off signal handling and sits inactive in memory (needs kill -9). The server log shows no error or other hint. The behaviour happens rarely with trust access, and almost always when using Kerberos5 (Heimdal as included in FreeBSD). 11.5 clientlib has none of this behaviour and seems to work fine, like 10.10 did. Environment: OS FreeBSD 11.3 Applic. Ruby-on-Rails, ruby=2.5.7, gem 'pg'=1.2.2 (it makes no difference if that one is compiled with the 12.1 or the 10.10 library) Server 12.1 [1] the message from ruby is PG::ConnectionBad: PQconsumeInput() : <query> rgds, PMc