El día martes, diciembre 31, 2019 a las 10:06:22a. m. +0000, Patrick FICHE escribió: > Hi, > > Which behavior are you looking for ? > If you want the following statements to succeed, I guess that you don't want to be in a transaction context. > In this case, you should have a look at the following link : https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/ecpg-commands.html > By default, the AUTOCOMMIT is OFF but you can set it to ON and it should solve your issue as only explicit transactions will keep a transaction context. > > Regards, Hi, To summarize the different hints: - terminate the relevant backend process with pg_terminate_backend() - issue ROLLBACK - set AUTOCOMMIT TO ON Thanks, I will try these hints in the order from bottom to up, and as well to close/re-open the connection to the server, without the GUI client will note this; every GUI client has its own application server: GUI (Java in Windows) --> application server (ESQL/C Linux) --> PGserver Thanks (and btw: Happy New Jear!) matthias -- Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045 Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub "Glaube wenig, hinterfrage alles, denke selbst: Wie man Manipulationen durchschaut" "Believe little, scrutinise all, think by your own: How see through manipulations" ISBN-10: 386489218X