> On Nov 28, 2019, at 1:09 PM, Antonio Silva <aolinto.lst@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello list
> I want to replace a string (not a substring) in a field but making sure that the string in the full field.
> In the example below since 'blue' is not the full text in 'blue shark' there should not have a replacement.
> How to say "replace only with 'blue' if it is the full string in the field".
> With REPLACE I get:
> SELECT REPLACE('blue shark','blue','blue fish');
> replace
> -----------------
> blue fish shark
> (1 row)
> but I would like to get:
> SELECT REPLACE('blue shark','blue','blue fish');
> replace
> ------------
> blue shark
> (1 row)
> Thanks a lot
> Antonio Olinto
does this help?
select replace (a.col, ‘value’, ’new value’) where a.col = ‘value’;
I’d probably do something like:
Select case when a.col = ‘value’ then ‘new value’ else a.col end from a;
I suspect adding where a.col = ‘value’ isn’t viable. If it is then:
Select ‘new value’ from a where a.col = ‘value’;
David J.