On Sat, Nov 23, 2019 at 4:47 PM Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Note that you pay a fairly substantial performance penalty for deferring
the check, which is why it isn't the default, even though the SQL spec
says it ought to be.
Do you know what the worst case scenario is for the performance of deferring the check to the end of the statement (with deferred initially immediate)? Upon testing, I get a penalty of 2 to 5%, which seems pretty small, but I might not be testing the most adverse situation. See attached.
The main "cost" that prevents from using DII routinely is that they can't receive foreign key constraints.
psql <<'END' create table jj_dii (id bigserial primary key, jj bigint unique deferrable initially immediate); create table jj_did (id bigserial primary key, jj bigint unique deferrable initially deferred); create table jj_nd (id bigserial primary key, jj bigint unique not deferrable); insert into jj_nd select x,x::bigint*1000000 from generate_series(1,100000) f(x); insert into jj_did select x,x::bigint*1000000 from generate_series(1,100000) f(x); insert into jj_dii select x,x::bigint*1000000 from generate_series(1,100000) f(x); END for f in `seq 1 200`; do for mode in `shuf -e nd dii`; do echo "JJ $f $mode" pgbench -T30 -f <(echo "update jj_$mode set jj=jj+1") -n -M prepared done done