On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 8:48 AM Jason L. Amerson <drjason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
1) I am not sure if Postgres server is listening on port 5432. How do I
2) I have tried "psql -h xx.xx.xx.xx" and "psql -h xx.xx.xx.xx -U postgres."
I even tried to telnet to it using the static IP and port 5432 but it would
not connect. I can connect to it remotely using the static IP with SSH.
3) It is my own physical machine. It is running Ubuntu and has a static IP.
Jason L. Amerson
Can you connect locally? I.e. on the machine running PostgreSQL? If so, you can run:
show listen_addresses;
show port;
to verify the settings. On some distros (including Ubuntu) you can have PostgreSQL running on a non-standard port due to an upgrade or installation of multiple versions.
Other thoughts. Did you restart PostgreSQL after changing settings? Are you sure that you are editing the postgresql.conf file associated with your running instance? Is there anything on the *client* machine or between the client machine and your PostgreSQL server that could be blocking ports? Have you used netstat or lsof to verify that PostgreSQL is listening on 5432?