On 10/24/19 7:32 AM, stan wrote:
On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 07:04:11AM -0700, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 10/24/19 3:52 AM, stan wrote:
I have a very confusing isse. I am trying to backup and restre a signle
table .
first I dump the table.
Actually you are just dumping the table data.
More below.
Script started on 2019-10-24 06:29:12-0400
]0;stan@smokey: ~stan@smokey:~$ pg_dump -a --table task_instance > task_instance.dump
Then I connect to the db, and verify that things are as expected.
]0;stan@smokey: ~stan@smokey:~$ psql
psql (11.5 (Ubuntu 11.5-3.pgdg18.04+1))
Type "help" for help.
[1m[local] stan@stan=[0m> \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | biz_constants | table | stan
public | bom_item | table | stan
public | costing_unit | table | stan
public | customer | table | stan
public | earthquake | table | stan
public | employee | table | stan
public | expense_report_instance | table | stan
public | gl_code | table | stan
public | mfg | table | stan
public | mfg_part | table | stan
public | mfg_vendor_relationship | table | stan
public | permitted_work | table | stan
public | phone_number_test | table | stan
public | project | table | stan
public | project_budget_component | table | stan
public | project_cost_category | table | stan
public | rate | table | stan
public | salary | table | stan
public | task_instance | table | stan
public | vendor | table | stan
public | work_type | table | stan
(21 rows)
[1m[local] stan@stan=[0m> \d task_instance
[?1049h[22;0;0t[?1h= Table "public.task_instance"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
---------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+-------------- ---------------------------------
task_instance | integer | | not null | nextval('task _instance_key_serial'::regclass)
project_key | integer | | not null |
employee_key | integer | | not null |
work_type_key | integer | | not null |
hours | numeric(5,2) | | not null |
work_start | timestamp with time zone | | not null |
work_end | timestamp with time zone | | not null |
modtime | timestamp with time zone | | not null | CURRENT_TIMES TAMP
lock | boolean | | | true
descrip | character varying | | |
"task_instance_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (task_instance)
"task_constraint" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (employee_key, work_type_key, pro ject_key, work_start, work_end)
Foreign-key constraints:
"task_instance_employee_key_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (employee_key) REFERENCES empl :[K[K[?1l>[?1049l[23;0;0t[1m[local] stan@stan=[0m> \d permitted_work
[?1049h[22;0;0t[?1h= Table "public.permitted_work"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
---------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+-------------- -----
employee_key | integer | | not null |
work_type_key | integer | | not null |
permit | boolean | | not null | false
modtime | timestamp with time zone | | not null | CURRENT_TIMES TAMP
"permit_constraint" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (employee_key, work_type_key)
Foreign-key constraints:
"permitted_work_employee_key_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (employee_key) REFERENCES emp loyee(employee_key) ON DELETE RESTRICT
"permitted_work_work_type_key_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (work_type_key) REFERENCES w ork_type(work_type_key) ON DELETE RESTRICT
Then I delete the rows from the table.
[7m(END)[27m[K[K[?1l>[?1049l[23;0;0t[1m[local] stan@stan=[0m> delete from task_instance ;
Then I try to restore from the dump file.
[1m[local] stan@stan=[0m> \i task_instance.dump
(1 row)
psql:task_instance.dump:55: ERROR: relation "permitted_work" does not exist
LINE 3: permitted_work
In your \d task_instance above I do not see a trigger that calls
public.check_permission(). Does one exist or was it cut off the output you
It exists. Perhaps I am using a different /dt format? I am not accustomed
to seeing the triggers when I do it.
Also look in the dump file. Given that you are using 11.5 I'm going to
assume it is resetting the search_path and that the unqualified schema name
of permitted_work below is your issue.
That makes sense. If I delete all the SET lines things do work.
Is this a known bug on version 11.5? Or am I doing something incorrectly?
BTW 11.5 is the latest package for Ubuntu, I believe.
Not a bug, a security fix:
PostgreSQL 10.3, 9.6.8, 9.5.12, 9.4.17, and 9.3.22 released!
All versions greater then and equal to those mentioned above have the fix.
Should I start always specifying the schema? Seems to add confusion to me.
Yes. See CVE link for why that is important.
Thanks for the education here.
permit FROM
NEW.employee_key = permitted_work.employee_key
NEW.work_type_key = permitted_work.work_type_key
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function public.check_permission() line 4 at SQL statement
COPY task_instance, line 1: "1 1 1 8 17.50 2019-02-01 00:00:00-05 2019-02-08 00:00:00-05 2019-10-24 06:28:44.502699-04 t Drawings..."
After that error, U cannot see any objects in the table
[1m[local] stan@stan=[0m> \dt
Did not find any relations.
[1m[local] stan@stan=[0m> \q
]0;stan@smokey: ~stan@smokey:~$ exit
Script done on 2019-10-24 06:30:48-0400
quiting psql and reconecting shows that the obkects ARE there, with the
taks)instance table empty.
What am I doing wrong?
Adrian Klaver
Adrian Klaver