On 10/17/19 3:13 AM, PegoraroF10 wrote:
Correct, those records are on replica too. I´m just talking about the best
way to update those keys and all their dependent tables.
If I change them first on master they will not be replicated because it will
be an update and their pk will not be found on replica, correct ?
"DEFAULT (the default for non-system tables) records the old values of
the columns of the primary key, if any."
AFAIK I know there is no restrictions on what you want to do(changing PK):
To test and confirm this set up a test parent/child table combination
and change a PK. As to the FK, pretty sure that is handled by the
changes on the primary child tables being replicated to the standby
child tables.
If so, do I need to update manually on replica and later on master ?
And on replica server, all FK will be updated if I change that PK ? On
replica triggers are not triggered, are foreign key cascade ?
If I do this way, when I change that PK on master I´ll get a warning on
replica server because that PK did not exist anymore ?
The only question is, what are correct steps to do when you need to change a
PK on replicated database, just that.
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Adrian Klaver