On 10/16/19 1:05 PM, Lizeth Solis Aramayo wrote:
What commands did you use to dump the 9.6.15 version and restore to the
9.6.5 version?
Pg_dump -p 5433 -U postgres -Fc -d dbkerp -n param > param.dump
Pg_restore -p 5432 -U postgres -d dbkerp param.dump
Server with pg_dump is Linux red hat 7.6
Server with pg_restore is linux red hat 6.5
In both servers I have postgresql 9.6, but in pg_dump is 9.6.15, and in pg_restore is 9.6.5.
The pg_dump is correct, everything goes ok., but when I do the pg_restore I gota n error : pg_restore: [archiver] unsupported version (1.13) in file header
Forgot a fourth option:
4) Use the 9.6.15 pg_restore to restore the 9.6.15 pg_dump to the 9.6.5
I searched solutions, and I found that I can apply a patch CVE-2018-1058, but I don¡t know how.
How to download, and install, I dont find documents about it.
he reason why you can't upgrade the 9.6.5 to 9.6.15? I dont know how.
Adrian Klaver