(I sent a similar message before subscribing to the list but it hasn't gone through yet, so sorry if you see a duplicate of this...) We've been happily using pgsql to store user-generated documents for a while now. We also wanted to be able to search the documents so we tossed the document contents into a tsvector and did a pretty straightforward contents @@ phraseto_tsquery('simple', 'the query'). Our users have a lot of things named like ABC-DEF-GHI so that sort of hyphenated name appears in their documents fairly often. to_tsvector('simple', 'ABC-DEF-GHI') @@ phraseto_tsquery('simple', 'ABC-DEF-GHI') works without issue. Sometimes, these hyphenated names have numbers in them like UVW-789-XYZ. Still no problem with to_tsvector/phraseto_tsquery. Sometimes, users can only remember the last bit of the name. So they'd like to find the document with ABC-DEF-GHI in it by searching for 'DEF-GHI'. Since to_tsvector('simple', 'ABC-DEF-GHI') is 'abc-def-ghi':1 'abc':2 'def':3 'ghi':4 we search for to_tsquery('simple', 'def <-> ghi') instead of using phraseto_tsquery. This works, but you can probably see where this is going. to_tsvector('simple', 'UVW-789-XYZ') is 'uvw':1 '-789':2 'xyz':3 because -789 is a negative integer. If we turn the query '789-XYZ' into the tsquery as before, we get to_tsquery('simple', '789 <-> xyz') which doesn't match it. Are we missing something here? Is there either a way to 1. generate tsvectors without this special (negative) integer behavior or 2. generate tsqueries in a more intelligent way?