Il 04/10/19 21:14, Alvaro Herrera ha scritto:
On 2019-Oct-04, Moreno Andreo wrote:
Il 04/10/19 18:28, Alvaro Herrera ha scritto:
I wonder if it would work to just clear that multixact with
SELECT ... WHERE ctid='(3160,31)' FOR UPDATE
select ...what? :-) Sorry but it's totally beyond my knowledge and my
control.... after resolving the issue i'll surely go and search docs to
understand what we've done....
This should do it:
SELECT * FROM the_broken_table WHERE <what I said above>
But of course I make no promise of it working or even having any effect
at all ...
Unfortunately, it didn't work :(
db0=# select * from failing_table where ctid='(3160,31)' for update;
ERROR: MultiXactId 12800 has not been created yet -- apparent wraparound
Since the probability we are into corruption is very high, what if I
\copy all the table but the failing row(s) to an external file, drop and
recreate the table, and then \copy clean data back inside?