CTE Scan on approvalwflscreen (cost=8736.21..8737.25 rows=52 width=1214)
CTE constants
-> Result (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=44)
CTE approval
-> Sort (cost=7793.89..7805.22 rows=4530 width=292)
Sort Key: apv_1.t616_vbu_nbr, apv_1.t617_fnc_typ_cd, apv_1.t8071_cai_ivo_id, apv_1.t8071_add_dm
-> WindowAgg (cost=0.00..7518.80 rows=4530 width=292)
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..7450.85 rows=4530 width=72)
Join Filter: ((apv_1.t8118_apv_sts_cd IS NULL) OR (((apv_1.t8118_apv_sts_cd = con.dummy) OR (apv_1.t8118_apv_sts_cd = con.t8118_rejected) OR (apv_1.t8118_apv_sts_cd =
con.t8118_approved) OR (apv_1.t8118_apv_sts_cd = con.t8118_pending)) AND ((apv_1.t8130_apv_job_lvl_cd = con.t8130_deflt) OR (apv_1.t8130_apv_job_lvl_cd = con.t8130_processor) OR (apv_1.t81
30_apv_job_lvl_cd = con.t8130_assistant_mgr) OR (apv_1.t8130_apv_job_lvl_cd = con.t8130_manager) OR (apv_1.t8130_apv_job_lvl_cd = con.t8130_vp) OR (apv_1.t8130_apv_job_lvl_cd = con.t8130_re
ad_only)) AND (SubPlan 2)))
-> CTE Scan on constants con (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=42)
-> Seq Scan on t8119_cai_ivo_apv_wfl apv_1 (cost=0.00..268.18 rows=9818 width=72)
SubPlan 2
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.29..3913.17 rows=9507 width=0)
-> Seq Scan on t8071_cai_ivo_hdr hdr (cost=0.00..457.98 rows=9760 width=37)
Filter: (ivo_sts_cd = ANY (ARRAY[con.dummy, con.t8070_rejct, con.t8070_pndap, con.t8070_aprvd, con.t8070_pndps, con.t8070_cmplt, con.t8070_rdpmt, con.t8
070_stgap, con.t8070_cmeim, con.t8070_pndrv, con.t8070_delet, con.t8070_cncld]))
-> Index Only Scan using t8119i0 on t8119_cai_ivo_apv_wfl apv (cost=0.29..0.34 rows=1 width=37)
Index Cond: ((t616_vbu_nbr = hdr.t616_vbu_nbr) AND (t617_fnc_typ_cd = hdr.t617_fnc_typ_cd) AND (t8071_cai_ivo_id = hdr.t8071_cai_ivo_id) AND (t8071_add_
dm = hdr.t8071_add_dm))
CTE maxapproval
-> Sort (cost=149.09..150.22 rows=453 width=12)
Sort Key: apv_2.joinkey
-> HashAggregate (cost=124.58..129.11 rows=453 width=12)
Group Key: apv_2.joinkey, apv_2.t8119_apv_seq_nbr
-> CTE Scan on approval apv_2 (cost=0.00..90.60 rows=4530 width=10)
CTE header
-> Limit (cost=508.37..649.77 rows=1 width=618)
-> Nested Loop (cost=508.37..649.77 rows=1 width=618)
Join Filter: ((hdr_1.ivo_sts_cd = con_1.dummy) OR (hdr_1.ivo_sts_cd = con_1.t8070_rejct) OR (hdr_1.ivo_sts_cd = con_1.t8070_pndap) OR (hdr_1.ivo_sts_cd = con_1.t8070_aprvd)
OR (hdr_1.ivo_sts_cd = con_1.t8070_pndps) OR (hdr_1.ivo_sts_cd = con_1.t8070_cmplt) OR (hdr_1.ivo_sts_cd = con_1.t8070_rdpmt) OR (hdr_1.ivo_sts_cd = con_1.t8070_stgap) OR (hdr_1.ivo_sts_cd
= con_1.t8070_cmeim) OR (hdr_1.ivo_sts_cd = con_1.t8070_pndrv) OR (hdr_1.ivo_sts_cd = con_1.t8070_delet) OR (hdr_1.ivo_sts_cd = con_1.t8070_cncld))
-> Hash Join (cost=508.37..646.53 rows=1 width=126)
Hash Cond: ((apv_3.t616_vbu_nbr = hdr_1.t616_vbu_nbr) AND (apv_3.t617_fnc_typ_cd = hdr_1.t617_fnc_typ_cd) AND (apv_3.t8071_cai_ivo_id = hdr_1.t8071_cai_ivo_id) AND (a
pv_3.t8071_add_dm = hdr_1.t8071_add_dm))
-> CTE Scan on approval apv_3 (cost=0.00..90.60 rows=4530 width=114)
-> Hash (cost=306.79..306.79 rows=10079 width=118)
-> Seq Scan on t8071_cai_ivo_hdr hdr_1 (cost=0.00..306.79 rows=10079 width=118)
-> CTE Scan on constants con_1 (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=