Hello, We have in a database some 400 tables, 75 of them have a 'serial' column, like the one in the example table 'titel_daten', column 'katkey'. I want to create a SQL script to adjust alls these sequences to the max+1 value in its column after loading the database from CSV file. I found no other way as the code below (the RAISE NOTICE is only for test at the moment and the output is correct for this table, i.e current max in 'katkey' is 330721): sisis=# DO $$ sisis$# DECLARE sisis$# maxikatkey integer := ( select max(katkey) from titel_daten ); sisis$# result integer := 1; sisis$# BEGIN sisis$# maxikatkey := maxikatkey +1; sisis$# RAISE NOTICE '%', maxikatkey ; sisis$# result := (SELECT SETVAL('titel_daten_katkey_seq', maxikatkey) ); sisis$# RAISE NOTICE '%', result ; sisis$# END $$; NOTICE: 330722 NOTICE: 330723 DO Is there any better way? Thanks matthias -- Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045 Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub Mientras haya voluntad de lucha habrá esperanza de vencer.