On 9/13/19 9:13 AM, stan wrote:
My development methodology is to create scripts that init the db, and load test data, as I make changes. Now, I am starting to move toward a test instance with real data. The end user has provided "real" test data, n spreadsheets. I have the inputing of data from these working OK. (takes a bit of hand work). What I would like to do, is continue to init the "test" database. To make that easy, I would like to be able to "export" individual tables, so I can use the scripts to reload them. I prefer not to have to convert these to my load script format. Is there a way to "export" a single table, that can be easily re "imported"?
The COPY command is what you want. http://postgresguide.com/utilities/copy.html https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/sql-copy.html -- Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.