Type ID doesn’t seem to be existing: product_master_fdw=> select * from pg_type where oid=196609; typname | typnamespace | typowner | typlen | typbyval | typtype | typcategory | typispreferred | typisdefined | typdelim | typrelid | typelem | typarray | typinput | typoutput | typreceive | t ypsend | typmodin | typmodout | typanalyze | typalign | typstorage | typnotnull | typbasetype | typtypmod | typndims | typcollation | typdefaultbin | typdefault | typacl
---------+--------------+----------+--------+----------+---------+-------------+----------------+--------------+----------+----------+---------+----------+----------+-----------+------------+-- -------+----------+-----------+------------+----------+------------+------------+-------------+-----------+----------+--------------+---------------+------------+-------- (0 rows) Regards, Virendra From: Kumar, Virendra
Here is simple query, I am running via function call. This statement runs fine as SQL but when put in function as plpgsql it failes with error below, when I ran second times in same session it succeeds: -- product_master_fdw=> \set VERBOSITY verbose product_master_fdw=> select sddf_update.tps_update_1(p_pres_id_in=>50241::integer, p_last_audit_update_dt_in=>'2019-09-03 12:44:21.356638'::timestamp , p_audit_update_user_name_tx_in=>'abc@xxxxxxx'::character varying, p_major_class_name_tx_in=>'TEST0826222'::character varying, p_effective_dt_in=>CURRENT_TIMESTAMP::timestamp ); ERROR: XX000: cache lookup failed for type 196609 CONTEXT: SQL statement "UPDATE product_history.external_sys_class_code_pres SET class_code_id = CASE WHEN p_class_code_id_in='0.000000001' THEN class_code_id ELSE p_class_code_id_in END , major_classification_cd = CASE WHEN p_major_classification_cd_in='.000000001' THEN major_classification_cd ELSE p_major_classification_cd_in END , major_classification_name_tx = CASE WHEN p_major_class_name_tx_in='0.000000001' THEN major_classification_name_tx ELSE p_major_class_name_tx_in END , coverage_short_name_tx = CASE WHEN p_coverage_short_name_tx_in='0.000000001' THEN coverage_short_name_tx ELSE p_coverage_short_name_tx_in END , coverage_name_tx = CASE WHEN p_coverage_name_tx_in='0.000000001' THEN coverage_name_tx ELSE p_coverage_name_tx_in END , cdt_source_system_cd = CASE WHEN p_cdt_source_system_cd_in='0.000000001' THEN cdt_source_system_cd ELSE p_cdt_source_system_cd_in END , cdt_submitting_country_cd = CASE WHEN p_cdt_submitting_country_cd_in='0.000000001' THEN cdt_submitting_country_cd ELSE p_cdt_submitting_country_cd_in END , cdt_status_cd = CASE WHEN p_cdt_status_cd_in='0.000000001' THEN cdt_status_cd ELSE p_cdt_status_cd_in END , effective_dt = CASE WHEN p_effective_dt_in=TO_DATE('01/01/1600', 'mm/dd/yyyy') THEN effective_dt ELSE p_effective_dt_in END , expiration_dt = CASE WHEN p_expiration_dt_in=TO_DATE('01/01/1600', 'mm/dd/yyyy') THEN expiration_dt ELSE p_expiration_dt_in END , audit_insert_user_name_tx = CASE WHEN p_audit_insert_user_name_tx_in='0.000000001' THEN audit_insert_user_name_tx ELSE p_audit_insert_user_name_tx_in END , audit_update_dt = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, audit_update_user_name_tx = CASE WHEN p_audit_update_user_name_tx_in='0.000000001' THEN audit_update_user_name_tx ELSE p_audit_update_user_name_tx_in END , latest_version_in = CASE WHEN p_latest_version_in_in='0' THEN latest_version_in ELSE p_latest_version_in_in END , delete_in = CASE WHEN p_delete_in_in='0' THEN delete_in ELSE p_delete_in_in END WHERE pres_id = p_pres_id_in AND audit_update_dt = p_last_audit_update_dt_in" PL/pgSQL function px_co_pr_pres_pg.spt_update_1(bigint,timestamp without time zone,timestamp without time zone,character varying,character varying,character varying,character varying,character varying,character varying,character varying,character
varying,character varying,character varying,character varying,character varying,timestamp without time zone) line 7 at SQL statement LOCATION: getTypeOutputInfo, lsyscache.c:2681 Regards, Virendra
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