I have a huge table (100 million rows) of relations between nodes by id in a Postgresql 11 server. Like this:
This table has parent-child relations references between nodes by id. Like:
pid -> cid
n1 -> n2 n1 -> n3 n1 -> n4 n2 -> n21 n2 -> n22 n2 -> n23 n22 -> n221 n22 -> n222
I would like to get a list of all the nodes being children (direct or indirect) of any other node.
Example. The children of:
1) n3: [] (n3 has not children) 2) n22: [n221, n222] (n22 has 2 children: n221 and n222) 3) n1: [n2, n21, n22, n23, n221, n222] (n1 has 6 children including indirect children).
this pseudo SQL:
SELECT * FROM relations WHERE has_parent(myId)
It can be solved with a recursive function or stored procedure. But that requires several passes. Is it possible to solve it in one pass? Perhaps using some low-level function or join or some index _expression_ or auxiliary columns?
It is OK to create an index or similar using recursive expressions. However, the SELECT expressions should be solved in one pass because of speed.
I could not find away to handle the branches but this is more complete.with recursive descendants (last, children) as (select c.c, array[null::int] from kids c where not exists (select 1 from kids p where c.c = p.p) union all select k.p, array[k.c] || l.children from kids k, descendants l where k.c = l.last) select last, children from descendants where children[1] is not null order by last last | children ------+----------------- 1 | {2,22,222,NULL} 1 | {4,NULL} 1 | {2,21,NULL} 1 | {2,23,NULL} 1 | {2,22,221,NULL} 1 | {3,NULL} 2 | {22,221,NULL} 2 | {22,222,NULL} 2 | {21,NULL} 2 | {23,NULL} 22 | {221,NULL} 22 | {222,NULL} (12 rows)
I’ll throw in the towel now |