I'm just curious to better understand the naming convention behind wal files, because I've seen on a system of mine that the wals created were: 000000050000020E000000FF 000000050000020F00000000 while I was expecting 20E0x100. So I digged into the code and I've seen, from the XLogFileName macro, that the last part is built as the reminder of the number of segments per wal file: #define XLogFileName(fname, tli, logSegNo, wal_segsz_bytes) \ snprintf(fname, MAXFNAMELEN, "%08X%08X%08X", tli, \ (uint32) ((logSegNo) / XLogSegmentsPerXLogId(wal_segsz_bytes)), \ (uint32) ((logSegNo) % XLogSegmentsPerXLogId(wal_segsz_bytes))) and with the default wal size of 16 MB that gives a remainder of 256 (FF + 1). Assuming I haven't missed anything, this means that there are 6 zeroes that will never change in the last 8 chars of the wal filename. Is therefore this only done to handle PostgreSQL WAL sizes of 4 GB each? Thanks, Luca