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Re: postgres 9.5 DB corruption

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On 7/25/19 10:24 AM, Thomas Tignor wrote:
Hi Adrian,
Thanks for responding. Below is the schema data for the tables where we always see corruption. You'll notice they have triggers for a postgres extension called Slony-I which provides replication service. It's not clear if/how that's a factor, though.

What specific version of Slony?

Did you upgrade Slony when you moved from 9.1 to 9.5?

Trace you showed in your first post was for:


I do not see that below.

Are the errors on any specific field?

The errors are occurring on the primary, correct?

Where is the data coming from?

ams=# \d ams.alert_instance

Table "ams.alert_instance"

Column|Type| Modifiers


alert_instance_id| integer| not null

alert_definition_id | integer| not null

alert_instance_key| character varying(500)| not null

start_active_date| timestamp(0) without time zone | not null

stop_active_date| timestamp(0) without time zone |

active| smallint| not null

acknowledged| smallint| not null

ack_clear_time| timestamp(0) without time zone |

user_set_clear_time | smallint|

category_id| integer| not null

condition_start| timestamp(0) without time zone | not null

unack_reason| character varying(1)|

viewer_visible| smallint| not null


"pk_alert_instance" PRIMARY KEY, btree (alert_instance_id), tablespace "tbls5"

"idx_alert_inst_1" btree (alert_instance_key, alert_definition_id, alert_instance_id, active, acknowledged, ack_clear_time), tablespace "tbls5"

"idx_alert_inst_cat_id" btree (category_id), tablespace "tbls5"

"idx_alert_inst_def_id" btree (alert_definition_id), tablespace "tbls5"

Check constraints:

"ck_alert_inst_acked" CHECK (acknowledged = 0 OR acknowledged = 1)

"ck_alert_inst_active" CHECK (active = 0 OR active = 1)

"ck_alert_inst_set_cl_tm" CHECK (user_set_clear_time = 0 OR user_set_clear_time = 1)

"ck_alert_inst_viewer_vis" CHECK (viewer_visible = 0 OR viewer_visible = 1)

Foreign-key constraints:

"fk_alert_inst_cat_id" FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES ams.category(category_id)

"fk_alert_inst_def_id" FOREIGN KEY (alert_definition_id) REFERENCES ams.alert_definition(alert_definition_id)

"fk_alert_inst_unack_reason" FOREIGN KEY (unack_reason) REFERENCES ams.unack_reason(unack_reason)

Referenced by:

TABLE "ams.alert_attribute" CONSTRAINT "fk_alert_attr_instance_id" FOREIGN KEY (alert_instance_id) REFERENCES ams.alert_instance(alert_instance_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


_ams_cluster_logtrigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON ams.alert_instance FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _ams_cluster.logtrigger('_ams_cluster', '1', 'k')

_ams_cluster_truncatetrigger BEFORE TRUNCATE ON ams.alert_instance FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE _ams_cluster.log_truncate('1')

Disabled user triggers:

_ams_cluster_denyaccess BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON ams.alert_instance FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _ams_cluster.denyaccess('_ams_cluster')

_ams_cluster_truncatedeny BEFORE TRUNCATE ON ams.alert_instance FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE _ams_cluster.deny_truncate()


ams=# \d ams.alert_attribute

Table "ams.alert_attribute"

Column|Type| Modifiers


alert_instance_id | integer| not null

name| character varying(200)| not null

data_type| smallint| not null

value| character varying(2000) |


"pk_alert_attributes" PRIMARY KEY, btree (alert_instance_id, name), tablespace "tbls5"

"idx_alert_attr_name" btree (name)

Foreign-key constraints:

"fk_alert_attr_instance_id" FOREIGN KEY (alert_instance_id) REFERENCES ams.alert_instance(alert_instance_id) ON DELETE CASCADE


_ams_cluster_logtrigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON ams.alert_attribute FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _ams_cluster.logtrigger('_ams_cluster', '2', 'kk')

_ams_cluster_truncatetrigger BEFORE TRUNCATE ON ams.alert_attribute FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE _ams_cluster.log_truncate('2')

Disabled user triggers:

_ams_cluster_denyaccess BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON ams.alert_attribute FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _ams_cluster.denyaccess('_ams_cluster')

_ams_cluster_truncatedeny BEFORE TRUNCATE ON ams.alert_attribute FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE _ams_cluster.deny_truncate()


Tom    :-)

On Wednesday, July 24, 2019, 11:15:04 AM EDT, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 7/24/19 7:38 AM, Thomas Tignor wrote:
 > Hello postgres community,
 > Writing again to see if there are insights on this issue. We have had
 > infrequent but recurring corruption since upgrading from postgres 9.1 to
 > postgres 9.5. We are presently on 9.5.16. Our DB-facing app continually
 > performs a mixture of DML, primarily inserts and updates on two specific
 > tables, with no single op being suspect. In the past, corruption events
 > have produced encoding errors on COPY operations (invalid byte sequence
 > for encoding "UTF8"). More recently, they have caused segmentation
 > faults. We were able to take a cold backup after a recent event.
 > SELECTing the corrupted data on our cold backup yields the following
 > stack. Any info on a solution or how to proceed towards a solution would
 > be much appreciated.
 > Thanks in advance.

In my previous post when I referred to table schema I mean that to
include associated schema like triggers, constraints, etc. Basically
what is returned by \d in psql.

 > Tom    :-)

Adrian Klaver
adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Adrian Klaver

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