Hi, I'm trying to copy a schema from one PG database (ver 11) to PG 10. Previously the first database version was 9.6 and the way I did the copying was ssh -o Compression=no user@host '/opt/pgsql/bin/pg_dump --no-tablespaces -n schemaname -Fc -U dbadmin dbname' | pg_restore -U dbadmin -h localhost -1 -d dbnme However after migrating from PG 9.6 to 11, when I did the same thing as before, I started getting a bunch of commands in the dump like this GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE dbname TO usernameXX; which don't work for me because the list of users is different between different machines. It is clear that the change is related to the way pg_dump is implemented now in PG11 that global objects are dumped. But the question is how do I duplicate the previous behaviour, i.e. Dump just the schema and permission on the schema, not on the database. I do know that I could grep the dump, but that's very annoying when dumping hundreds of millions of rows. Thanks in advance for the help. Sergey