On 7/9/19 11:04 AM, Weatherby,Gerard wrote:
Can I use pyscopy2.extras.execute_values with a prepared statement?
I don't think so as you cannot pass in VALUES():
cur.execute('prepare pt(integer, varchar, boolean) AS INSERT INTO
prepare_test values ($1, $2, $3)')
execute_values(cur, 'EXECUTE pt(%s)', [(2, 'test', 'f'),])
SyntaxError: wrong number of parameters for prepared statement "pt"
DETAIL: Expected 3 parameters but got 1.
execute_batch works though:
execute_batch(cur, 'EXECUTE pt(%s, %s, %s)', [(2, 'test', 'f'), (3,
'dog', 't')])
*Gerard Weatherby*| Application Architect
NMRbox | Department of Molecular Biology and Biophysics | UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030-6406
Phone: 860 679 8484
Adrian Klaver