Hi, Another Oracle -> PostgreSQL Question.
☺ I try to migrate a package procedure. Local types were declared in the Oracle package: TYPE t_class_record IS RECORD ( id_class classes.id_class%TYPE, field1 number, field2 number ); TYPE t_classes_table IS TABLE OF t_class_record INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; l_classes_table t_classes_table; l_classes_table is initialized by a
SELECT statement where later single fields of single array elements are modified like this: l_classes_table(i).field1 := l_value; So far I have done the following in PostgreSQL:
But when I try to modify a field of a record in the array I get a syntax error. l_classes_array[i].field1 := l_value; The error is
ERROR: syntax error at or near "." Position: 12414 where position points to the
. after the
[i]. I've no idea what's causing this syntax error. My goal is to store an array of records, fetched via SELECT Statement, in a variable in a way, that I am able to modify individual fields of individual array elements later in the function. Am I on the right track or should I approach the problem completely differently? Dirk