On 6/17/19 1:58 AM, John Mikel wrote:
hi again
here is my query
*select A.table_name as "table_name",A.domain_name as "domain",*
* format_type(c.atttypid, c.atttypmod) AS data_type ,A.column_name as
* A.is_nullable as "nullable",A.column_default as "default"*
* from information_schema.columns A inner join pg_attribute c on
* where a.table_schema in (select current_schema()) and a.column_name
=c.attname ;*
if i run this query in any database contain at least one table with
space in their name , an error will occur
if i run this query in other database will work fine
I tested this on pg 11.1 , pg 10.3, pg 9.6
PS:Sorry if this message is duplicated i canceled the previous message
by mistake by clicking on link
The previous message came through, see the replies. The basic issue is
that a table name with a space in it will need to be quoted. So use
quote_ident() per Peter and Tom's suggestions.
Adrian Klaver