Am 12.06.19 um 14:50 schrieb Rahul Chordiya:
postgres=# select subscription_name, status FROM
subscription_name | status
(0 rows)
postgres=# select pglogical.create_subscription(subscription_name :=
'subscription1', provider_dsn := 'host= port=5432
dbname=registration user=repuser password=password', replication_sets
:= '{my_set}');
*ERROR: could not fetch remote node info: ERROR: schema "pglogical"
does not exist*
What should I do?
you have create the replication set (on the provider) in the
postgres-database, but now you referencing to an other database,
registration. There isn't this replication set defined.
Regards, Andreas
2ndQuadrant - The PostgreSQL Support Company.