On 5/22/19 3:19 PM, Rob Sargent wrote:
Don’t use the alias on the column(s) being set. This passed the parser: UPDATE personnes T1 SET nom_naiss=T1.nom FROM personnes T2, personnes T3 WHERE T1.id=T2.id_mere AND T2.id_pere=T3.id AND T1.nom != T3.nom;
Wow, fine ! you got it!
(I have no data in my table so I can’t confirm the logic. You seem to want to update mother’s maiden name if her current (sur)name doesn’t match that of the father of (one of?) her children? That might be a serious leap of faith.)
Now I check manually... ;)
On May 22, 2019, at 6:43 AM, Pierre Couderc <pierre@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: I have tried many ways to update a table : UPDATE personnes T1 SET T1.nom_naiss=T1.nom FROM personnes T2, personnes T3 WHERE ....; UPDATE personnes T1 SET T1.nom_naiss=T1.nom FROM personnes T1, personnes T2, personnes T3 WHERE ..; In my case , where clause is : WHERE T1.id=T2.id_mere AND T2.id_pere=T3.id AND T1.nom != T3.nom; Thanks. PC