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Re: default_tablespace in 8.3 postgresql

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On 5/15/19 3:01 PM, Julie Nishimura wrote:
No, I did not have them at all in my script. I did not touch neither these three dbs, nor like some others that I did not intend to alter, but they are altered regardless. Or unless this is what pg_database reports back to me... What is even more interesting, if I use PGAdmin for one of the dbs that I was not intended to alter and leave it on vol3, this is what it shows to me now. Please note, it shows both - "Default tablespace" (as vol3), and "default_tablespace" (as vol4)... Hmm...
One is from the postgresql.conf setting(vol3).
The other is from the database default_tablespace setting.

*From:* Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx>
*Sent:* Wednesday, May 15, 2019 2:48 PM
*To:* Julie Nishimura; David G. Johnston
*Cc:* pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
*Subject:* Re: default_tablespace in 8.3 postgresql
On 5/15/19 2:45 PM, Julie Nishimura wrote:
Adrian, only first 3 (which are template0, postgres, control). Rest of them are set to vol4.
Do the script(s) reflect this?

In other words did you have a script for each and every database and was
the default_tablespace set different in some of them?

The only explanation I would have that all of those databases which have 
tablespace vol4 as default were copied from template1 without explicitly 
specified tablespace name, and "control" was created with the explicit 
tablespace in it?... I dont have any other good explanations...
*From:* Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx>
*Sent:* Wednesday, May 15, 2019 2:18 PM
*To:* Julie Nishimura; David G. Johnston
*Cc:* pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
*Subject:* Re: default_tablespace in 8.3 postgresql
On 5/15/19 2:15 PM, Julie Nishimura wrote:
Sure, thank you guys!

   OWNER postgres
   LOCATION '/data/vol4';

ALTER DATABASE tables_ericb
SET default_tablespace = 'vol4';
   ALTER DATABASE conversion_feasibility_too
   SET default_tablespace = 'vol4';

... and so on for 60 dbs...

but not for all 70+
But it was not for all 70+. The control db still is still set at vol1.

Are there others not set to vol4?

Adrian Klaver

Adrian Klaver

Adrian Klaver

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