Alan, thanks for your reply.
So, we currently have this situation:
/dev/sda1 2.7T 2.4T 298G 90% /data/vol1
/dev/sdb2 2.7T 2.4T 296G 89% /data/vol2
16T 16T 373G 98% /data/vol3
postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_tablespace;
spcname | spcowner | spclocation | spcacl
pg_default | 10 | |
pg_global | 10 | |
vol1 | 10 | /data/vol1 | {postgres=C/postgres,=C/postgres}
vol2 | 10 | /data/vol2 | {postgres=C/postgres,=C/postgres}
vol3 | 10 | /data/vol3 | {postgres=C/postgres,=C/postgres}
(5 rows)
And we added new volume yday:
4.0T 195M 3.8T 1% /data/vol4
So, if I understood you correctly, it is better to extend vol3 instead of creating new tablespace on vol4 (if possible).
If not, then what is my best bet?
From: Alan Hodgson <ahodgson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2019 9:15 AM To: Julie Nishimura; pgsql-general Subject: Re: running out of disk space On Thu, 2019-05-09 at 15:46 +0000, Julie Nishimura wrote:
Tables and indexes can only be on one tablespace. You'll need to individually move them with alter table and alter index. They will be locked while being moved. You should experiment with this on a test server to learn how it works.
However, unless your new volume has different I/O characteristics than the existing volume you really shouldn't use tablespaces. You should use your OS volume manager and filesystem tools to extend the data volume and filesystem into the new space. This
will be much easier to manage. I'm sure your system administrator can assist you with this.