Hi Team,
We having perl issue for while during restore operation for using pgbackrest backup tool can you please do the needful.
2019-05-08 18:42:09.415 P00 INFO: restore command begin 2.13: --db-include=A4_Copy --log-level-console=info --pg1-path=/Postgres/prakash_pgbackrest --process-max=2 --repo1-host=sydcosacpp001.enterprisenet.org --repo1-host-config=/etc/pgbackrest.conf --repo1-host-user=postgres --repo1-path=/pgBACKUP/A4_
sydcosacpp001 /backup/A4_
sydcosacpp001 --stanza=A4_s
sydcosacpp001 1
2019-05-08 18:42:15.082 P00 ERROR: [124]: remote process on '
sydcosacpp001 .enterprisenet.org' terminated unexpectedly [124]: ERROR: [124]: process terminated due to an unhandled exception:
Can't load '/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/DBD/Pg/Pg.so' for module DBD::Pg: libpq.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /usr/lib64/perl5/DynaLoader.pm line 190.
at /loader/0x226a528/pgBackRest/Db.pm line 10.
at /loader/0x226a528/pgBackRest/Main.pm line 12.
pgBackRest::Main::__ANON__('Can\'t load \'/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/DBD/Pg/Pg.so\...') called at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Carp.pm line 100
==> cd /usr/lib64/perl5/
==> ls
arybase.pm bits CORE Fcntl.pm _h2ph_pre.ph lib.pm NDBM_File.pm perllocal.pod stdarg.ph syslimits.ph Unicode
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