Adrian: On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 7:57 PM Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > You will have to explain further as I am not seeing it: > test_(postgres)# select '2019-05-01 9:52' <= '2019-05-01 24:00'::timestamp; > ?column? > ---------- > t > > test_(postgres)# select '2019-05-01 24:00' <= '2019-05-01 24:00'::timestamp; > ?column? > ---------- > t Because you are using two selected examples. The one with 9:52 is ok. The last one is misleading because you are using a constant for a particular timestamp in MAY THE SECOND wich can be written to look like it is in MAY THE FIRST. Rewrite it as select '2019-05-02'::timestamp <= '2019-05-01 24:00'::timestamp; And you'll see and out of range date selected. This is why <= AND 24:00 are bad and misleading. You may not have problems with 00:00:00 times, but work a bit billing phone calls and you'll find about one in 86400 hit it ( more in my case as traffic distribution is skewed ). Use that kind of condition and you end up chasing why the monthly report has a dozen less calls than the sum of the daily ones the billing guys made using excel. Francisco Olarte.