Hi there,
From documentation https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/runtime-config-wal.html standby behavior with setting synchronous_commit = remote_apply is not obvious. I think we should explain this case.
Am I correct that master always sync COMMIT, except 'off' and regardless of whether standby is connected or not?
But I am not sure, when standby will sync replayed COMMIT? Does it depend on synchronous_commit value in standby config?
For example, if synchronous_commit in standbys config is “on”, master synchronous_standby_names is non-empty, are the following details correct?
synchronous_commit = on
master sync
standby sync
synchronous_commit = remote_apply
master sync
standby ???
synchronous_commit = remote_write
master sync
standby no sync
synchronous_commit = local
master sync
standby no recv
synchronous_commit = off
master sync
standby no recv
Konstantin Evteev