I install the contrib module from the postgres repo using yum install.
creating extension run as postgres superuser.
On 22/04/2019 21:05, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 4/21/19 9:14 PM, Soni wrote:
Hello All,
CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)
Postgres 10.7.
When "create extension "uuid-ossp"", I got :
2019-04-22 02:41:53.323 UTC [10305] XX000ERROR: XX000: cache lookup
failed for function 1
2019-04-22 02:41:53.323 UTC [10305] XX000LOCATION:
fmgr_info_cxt_security, fmgr.c:184
2019-04-22 02:41:53.323 UTC [10305] XX000STATEMENT: create extension
"uuid-ossp" ;
I tried reinstall contrib module and even all postgres component, but
still no luck.
Try restarting the server also but no luck.
Any idea how to resolve this ?
How and where are you installing Postgres and -contrib from?
Is the user you are running CREATE EXTENSION a superuser?