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Hello there,
I am using PostgreSQL 10.7 as the database, and have Java web app. My app takes a lock on the database using the following command whenever my server is starting.
select pg_try_advisory_lock(100)
To make sure only one instance of the App is using the database at a time.
There have been several instances when my server crashes(or stops/ or kill), but this lock still remained on the PostgreSQL. Ideally, this should not happen because TCP connection breaks if one of the peers dies, but it happens otherwise.
To solve this problem PostgreSQL needs to break the connection if the client dies.
One of the methods is to configure TCP timeout but since this is very impactful and hence unrealistic.
I was wounding how can out of the box PostgreSQL help me solve this.
May be like a ping pong service to check if client is still alive.
Thanks and regards,
Ajay Pratap,
Software Engineer,