On 4/16/19 1:55 PM, Julie Nishimura wrote:
Oh thank you for answering me!!!
Another thing:
source (8.3):
List of text search configurations
Schema | Name | Description
pg_catalog | danish | configuration for danish language
pg_catalog | dutch | configuration for dutch language
pg_catalog | english | configuration for english language
pg_catalog | finnish | configuration for finnish language
pg_catalog | french | configuration for french language
pg_catalog | german | configuration for german language
pg_catalog | hungarian | configuration for hungarian language
pg_catalog | italian | configuration for italian language
pg_catalog | norwegian | configuration for norwegian language
pg_catalog | portuguese | configuration for portuguese language
pg_catalog | romanian | configuration for romanian language
pg_catalog | russian | configuration for russian language
pg_catalog | simple | simple configuration
pg_catalog | spanish | configuration for spanish language
pg_catalog | swedish | configuration for swedish language
pg_catalog | turkish | configuration for turkish language
public | hw_english | Hitwise configuration for the English language
(17 rows)
The only thing I can find searching that might be relevant is:
Does that ring any bells?
So, the last record "hw_english" does not show in the target.
This is the parameter in postgresql file, same on both locations.
# default configuration for text search
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'
Unfortunately, I am not sure about tsearch2, it is new system that I
inherited not too long ago. So, the production is still on 8.3, but
dev/staging that was built recently, is on 9.4. The engineer who
installed it said he used it from Puppet module for postgresql... He is
not sure about tsearch2 module either. Do you know how can I find it? Or
how can I install it? It seems like some gin indices are missing. I need
to find out what is missing...
THANK YOU for your help
Adrian Klaver