On Fri, 29 Mar 2019, Andrew Gierth wrote:
That query seems correct assuming you want the result in descending order of next_contact. How did the actual result differ from your expectation?
Andrew, User error: I had a couple of date typos (2018 rather than 2019) and was thinking of generating the display in ascending, rather than decending, order. Thinking again about what I need in terms of query results I made a couple of changes. Now the query selects the most recent next_contact date >= a week ago today and into the future: select p.person_id, p.lname, p.fname, p.direct_phone, p.active, o.org_name, sq.* from people as p join organizations as o on p.org_id = o.org_id cross join lateral (select a.next_contact from activities as a where a.person_id = p.person_id and p.active='True' and a.next_contact >= current_date - interval '7' day and a.next_contact is not null order by a.next_contact ASC limit 1) sq order by sq.next_contact ASC; The results are what I need and allow me to not miss a date as long as I run the query at least once a week. My thanks to you, David J., and Ken for the valuable lessons. Best regards, Rich