On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 10:37 PM Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 3/19/19 9:35 AM, Radoslav Nedyalkov wrote:
> Hi All,
> We're testing upgrade from postgres 10.6 to postgres 11.2 with pg_upgrade.
> Before stopping pg10 we disabled subscription.
> After upgrade and launching pg11, the existing logical replication
> subscription is there and disabled.
> stest=# \dRs+
> List of subscriptions
> Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Synchronous commit |
> Conninfo
> ------+----------+---------+-------------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------
> sub1 | postgres | f | {pub2} | off |
> host= dbname=test user=postgres
> (1 row)
> However after enabling it, the target table does not get updates,
> although the subscription looks okay according to the status below.
> stest=# alter subscription sub1 enable;
> # no updates here
> stest=# \dRs+
> List of subscriptions
> Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication | Synchronous commit |
> Conninfo
> ------+----------+---------+-------------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------
> sub1 | postgres | t | {pub2} | off |
> host= dbname=test user=postgres
> stest=# select * from pg_subscription;
> subdbid | subname | subowner | subenabled | subconninfo
> | subslotname | subsynccommit | subpublications
> ---------+---------+----------+------------+-----------------------------------------+-------------+---------------+-----------------
> 16402 | sub1 | 10 | t | host= dbname=test
> user=postgres | sub1 | off | {pub2}
> stest=# select * from pg_stat_subscription;
> subid | subname | pid | relid | received_lsn | last_msg_send_time |
> last_msg_receipt_time | latest_end_lsn | latest_end_time
> -------+---------+------+-------+--------------+--------------------+-------------------------------+----------------+-------------------------------
> 16413 | sub1 | 2810 | | 0/145C3400 | |
> 2019-03-19 16:23:23.650073+00 | 0/145C3320 | 2019-03-19
> 16:23:23.446651+00
> Issuing a refresh
> stest=# alter subscription sub1 refresh publication with (copy_data =
> false);
> resumes updates , but with a gap in data. Everything up-to to the
> refresh statement is missing in the target.
> What we're doing wrong ?
Fetch missing table information from publisher. This will start
replication of tables that were added to the subscribed-to publications
since the last invocation of REFRESH PUBLICATION or since CREATE
refresh_option specifies additional options for the refresh
operation. The supported options are:
copy_data (boolean)
Specifies whether the existing data in the publications that
are being subscribed to should be copied once the replication starts.
The default is true.
Try with:
I don't think focus is on REFRESH here. It is existing subscription that should resume and apply changes without discrepancies in the flow.
First I tried simply to re-create subscription by retaining replication slot on the source. However the slot sent already applied changes.
Obviously exact LSN was lost somehow during upgrade. (how? should it ?)
So the solution:
On the target before upgrade - disable subscription and get remote_lsn.
stest=# alter subscription sub1 disable;
stest=# select * from pg_replication_origin_status ;
local_id | external_id | remote_lsn | local_lsn
1 | pg_16473 | 0/146E41E0 | 0/2ABDC48
(1 row)
Upgrade here.
On the target after upgrade execute:
stest=# alter subscription sub1 set (slot_name = NONE);
stest=# drop subscription sub1 ;
stest=# create subscription sub1 CONNECTION 'host= dbname=test user=postgres' PUBLICATION pub2 with (slot_name = sub1, create_slot=false, enabled=false, copy_data=false);
stest=# select oid,* from pg_subscription;
oid | subdbid | subname | subowner | subenabled | subconninfo | subslotname | subsynccommit | subpublications
16474 | 16402 | sub1 | 10 | f | host= dbname=test user=postgres | sub1 | off | {pub2}
(1 row)
stest=# select pg_replication_origin_advance('pg_16474', '0/146E41E0');
stest=# select * from pg_replication_origin_status;
local_id | external_id | remote_lsn | local_lsn
1 | pg_16474 | 0/146E41E0 | 0/0
(1 row)
stest=# alter subscription sub1 enable;
After that the stream resumed from the right point.
> Thanks,
> Radoslav
Adrian Klaver