ne 17. 3. 2019 v 15:11 odesílatel Andrus <kobruleht2@xxxxxx> napsal:
Hi>This variant is working>postgres=# SELECT
> (xpath('/ns:Ntry/ns:Amt/text()', x,nsa))[1]::text::numeric AS tasusumma
> FROM (
> SELECT unnest(xpath('/ns:Document/ns:BkToCstmrStmt/ns:Stmt/ns:Ntry',
>x,nsa)) as x,
> nsa
> FROM t
> ) Ntry
>;>But I have not a idea, why old code doesn't work. It is little bit strange so it worked without namespace before Amt tag.In 9.1.5 it returns nullsIn 9.1.5 without namespaces(xpath('Amt/text()', x,nsa))[1]::text::numeric AS tasusummaworks.How to make it work in both versions?Is it possible add some CASE WHEN or IF command or any other idea ?
Probably this bugfix breaks your code
9.1 is unsupported release, so if you can, just fix it for supported releases.
else where, you need to prepare two different expressions.