select * from genome_threshold_mono('11-O3C.pbs','1-O3C_chr',1.96, 1000000);
NOTICE: group id is 5eed8d65-d39a-4f72-97a3-ca391b84880d
NOTICE: New threshold: 66128154-d128-4e66-bb8e-e9c9ee5ae89d
NOTICE: doing chrom 11
NOTICE: 2019-03-06 00:21:17.253375-07: markerset id is 9a8f7487-bd64-4d43-9adf-5ae1c6744e60(1-O3C_chr11.Loci.ld), people (5eed8d65-d39a-4f72-97a3-ca391b84880d) id is 11-O3C.pbs
NOTICE: table "collected" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE: table "mrkidx" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE: 2019-03-06 00:21:17.295142-07: working with 28607 markers
NOTICE: 2019-03-06 00:21:17.383835-07: added 3514 segments to imputed_pvalue_t
ERROR: query has no destination for result data
HINT: If you want to discard the results of a SELECT, use PERFORM instead.
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function optimal_pvalue_mono(text,text,integer,double precision,integer) line 65 at SQL statement
SQL statement "insert into goptset
select * from optimal_pvalue_mono(people_name,, mvec.chrom, conf, maxi)"
PL/pgSQL function genome_pvalue_mono(text,text,double precision,integer) line 19 at SQL statement
SQL statement "insert into threshold_segment(id,threshold_id, segment_id, smooth_pvalue)
select uuid_generate_v4(), tid, f.segment_id, f.pval
from genome_pvalue_mono(pbs_name, markers_rx, conf, maxi) as f"
PL/pgSQL function genome_threshold_mono(text,text,double precision,integer) line 30 at SQL statement