чт, 14 февр. 2019 г. в 12:54, Roberto de Figueiredo Ribeiro <roberto.f.ribeiro@xxxxxxxxxxx>: > > Hi list, > > > > I’m building a platform on C++ that uses parts of the libpq-fe.h in it. I had been previously compiling it in linux, and all was fine. Switched to windows, now during linking it accuses an error, unable to find an object file. > > > > This is the line I’m compiling with: > > > > >: cl /I path\to\include main.cpp /link /libpath path\to\lib –opt:ref libpq.lib Try this (not the colons): cl /I "path\to\include" main.cpp /link /libpath:"path\to\lib" /opt:ref libpq.lib