On 2/10/19 2:57 PM, auxsvr wrote:
We'd like to configure an RDS server for shared hosting. The idea is that every customer will be using a different database and FDW will be configured, so that the remote tables have access to the full data
I've set up something like this before (but on EC2), and the only problem I couldn't solve was that any user can see your full customer list by typing `\l` or `\du`. They can't see other customers' stuff, but they can see how many customers you have and their database/login names. The only way around it I know is that run separate "clusters" aka RDS instances.
You can try to lock this down somewhat by revoking access to various system tables, but it starts breaking a lot of tools (e.g. some GUI tools don't know what to do if they get an error just listing the databases). Also it is so piecemeal I wouldn't trust that I'd blocked off all avenues of getting the information.
I'd love to be corrected on this btw if anyone has better information! :-) -- Paul ~{:-) pj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx